OpenVerse TODO List. 0 win the lotto. DONE 1 Quit button on Text Chat window. 2 Back type button would be useful to return to the previous room. 3 fix macintosh path related bugs. DONE 4 Passageways editor. DONE 5 Allow AvEd to pick images from the rimages dir. 6 In Personal server log, Trim the ammount of information in this window to a set number of lines. DONE 7 Downloads in progress need to be canceled when the user is disconnected (this is the server code) DONE 8 Allow user to remove entries from animation list. 9 Greater grouping control of avatars. Possibly using subdirectories to group them and the ability to move an av from one local to another. 10 TOOBIG should also report the server's limits. Possibly a LIMITS command should be added to the protocol. 11 Include protocol info so that the server can give lots of info about itself. 12 Animation memory is not being cleaned up. (if there are 20 frames, it will sit in memory forever) 13 The TextChat window needs to be limited to X number of lines while it's displaying. 14 The SMVS array is not being cleaned up. this is the array used during Server Setup via the GUI. 15 The movement buffer in the client should give MOVE type moves a higher position in the movement que. DONE 16 (need more testing) If room image does not download it won't let you connect anywhwere else. 17 (bah for now, not critical) Limit move to within the server's boundries. DONE 18 (needs more testing) tear off avatar list problem DONE 19 Strip out color tags in name plates DONE 20 Put a checkbox in the Personal Server to shut off logging. This fills up the box and memory and slows thigns down. DONE 21 One image animations should force the animate option off and grey out the button. 22 When a server has too many connections (from the same host or in general) then the user is disconnected with no message. They should get some information. The server sends TOOMANYCONNECTIONS. OR ROOMFULL DONE 23 Need a button to stop the scroll on the personal server's log. DONE 24 /url * should be server side, not client side. 25 Remove broken KDE pannel