Chapter 1 - 024 34122 + [[Yuffie looks depressed while dark clouds swirl around her.]] + Yuffie: You see what I mean? I can't just take your materia anymore! And I don't want to, either! + [[Yuffie looks up with determination and stars in her eyes.]] + Yuffie: But I still need to bring back something of worth to Wutai, something no one has ever seen before! That's why I need your materia. Not all of it, just one little low-level sample of each kind. + [[Barret yells at Yuffie, who grins.]] + Yuffie: And not permanently! I just need to borrow them, see, for a couple of years.. + Barret: A COUPLE OF YEARS! + [[Cid rubs his chin while addressing Yuffie.]] + Cid: @#!&?!, Yuffie! What the !@#!%?! do you need all that materia for? + [[Closeup of Yuffie, looking unusually serious.]] + Yuffie: Trust me, you don't want to know... but I promise to give it back, I do! And I'll take good care of it! You won't lose anything, I swear! PLEASE, I need to do this, and I want to do it with your permission! + {{hand-lettered}} + {{black and white}}