Chapter 2 - 066 34203 + [[Yuffie stares at a stern Nanaki with a worried expression.]] + Nanaki: The mako poisoning is getting worse every time I see you. I don't like the idea of you returning to the Crater, no matter what vows you made. + Yuffie: But - + Nanaki: No! The exposure was gradual at first, but the rate at which you're displaying the symptoms has increased dramatically since your last visit. + [[Cid stands up and yells at everyone. Yuffie is holding her face in her hands.]] + Cid: LAST VISIT? You mean you knew about this and you let me take her back? Son of a @#!&?!!! + Yuffie: <<~groan~>> + Nanaki: Technically, that's not true, since I'm feline, not canine. But don't you think I tried to stop her before? + [[Vincent silently looks on.]] + Vincent: Hmm... + [[Vincent addresses Yuffie.]] + Vincent: How did you get mako poisoning? You're showing signs of long-term exposure, at least 2 years' worth. Scientific research into human mako experimentation died with the Shinra. + {{hand-lettered}} + {{black and white}}