Chapter 3 - 107 34249 + [[Montage of Yuffie as Vincent remembers her, Vincent's face in the background.]] + Vincent (narrating): Her behaviour worried me. It was obvious that there was more to Yuffie than her jubilant attitude led us to believe. + [[Yuffie holding a smiling actor's mask before her serious face.]] + Vincent (narrating): But she used her cheer like a wall of armour to keep the rest of the world at bay. Intrusions into her personal life were neither welcome nor desired. No... it was more than just defense. She pointed her smiles at others as insolently as I might point my gun at a foe. + [[Text box.]] + Vincent (narrating): This is my life, she was really saying. + [[Yuffie looking angry.]] + Vincent (narrating): You better just accept it or get out of my way. + {{black and white}}