Chapter 4 - 184 71645 + [[Vincent, wearing the bracelet, crosses his arms before his chest.]] + Yuffie: You don't like allowing yourself to get hurt, and this bracelet is perfect for blocking physical attacks. + [[Yuffie gestures towards the bracelet.]] + Yuffie: But look closer. It has a poor defense against magical attacks. And worse yet, not a single slot for materia! + [[Vincent sweats while Yuffie glares at him.]] + Vincent: But my ring... + Yuffie: Oh, come off it! You're only trying to build a wall around yourself! You want to stay independent and not rely on anyone... or anything... else. + [[Vincent running into darkness.]] + Yuffie: You've even cut yourself off from the planet, for cryin' out loud! But though you've gotten physically stronger, you're still leaving yourself wide open to injury from other sources. + [[Yuffie looks down, sweating.]] + Yuffie: Listen, Vincent... I don't really know what happened between you and that Lucrecia chick... + {{color}}