Chapter 6 - 267 163337 + [[Vincent's face, gazing thoughtfully.]] + Vincent (narrating): Days turned into weeks. I think... time forgot about us. Yuffie kept a pocket watch to remind us of its passage. But without the light of the sun to guide us, words like "day" and "night" quickly became meaningless. We traveled when we were fit, we rested when we were tired. It was also not our last meeting with Tonberries, Dragons or the other residents of the Crater. Nanaki and I adapted quickly. I still do not enjoy fighting Tonberries - but I know now what to expect, and it is not difficult for me to resist. Easier, in fact, for me than for the others - I am used to being haunted by the ghosts of my past. We all came to be, in this damaged place. Still - Yuffie wasn't lying. Either you got better in the Crater, or you died. I had no desire to summon Phoenix ever again, so I re-learned how to fight - and to survive. + {{color}}