Chapter 6 - 286 210754 + [[Yuffie's hand is shown balling into a fist.]] + Yuffie: Infatuated child? Unpleasant distraction? GAWD! + [[Yuffie's eyes glow.]] + Yuffie: Just where do you get off thinking that, Vincent Valentine? You think the sun rises and sets for you, too? I can't believe you! + [[Yuffie and Vincent's lower torsos are shown as they face each other.]] + Yuffie: Y'know what your problem is? You take things way too seriously. + [[Nanaki looks worried.]] + Nanaki: Yuffie... + [[Yuffie looks away, obviously upset.]] + Yuffie: Maybe you're right. Maybe I thought - and I mean THOUGHT, past tense - you were kinda cute looking. Maybe I wondered what it'd be like to know you better. + [[Yuffie's eyes glow once again as she throws an arm out.]] + Yuffie: But NO! Apparently you're too emotionally constipated to even handle that idea! Vincent Valentine can't have a normal relationship with anyone! + [[Closeup of Yuffie's chin.]] + Yuffie: He can't even handle having friends. It's gotta be all or nothing with you, doesn't it Vincent? Best friends or none at all. True love or revulsion! You probably think of this whole damn place as one big Vincent Valentine Vacation Resort, because down here you don't have to deal with other people! + {{color}}