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Windows DOS script to run multiple servers [Batch File] This script will allow you to run multiple servers on your windows machine without having to use the full GUI application. You will need to edit this script to suit your system. Pay particular attention to the name of your server's config file and the path to the TCL intrepeter.
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Use kfmclient as your web browser. This script will allow you to use KDE's kfmclient as your browser for opening urls in the OpenVerse. Make this executable and put it in your path then put in your OpenVerse setup for the Browser CMD. (echo and joshua made this one)

Use Lynx in a k-term as your web browser. Make this executable and put it in your path then put in your OpenVerse setup for the Browser CMD. (joshua made this one)

Use Lynx in an x-term as your web browser. Make this executable and put it in your path then put in your OpenVerse setup for the Browser CMD. (joshua made this one)

Help on running OV behind a NAT firewall. This document shows how important having the source code to the applications you run is. This server administraor needed to run his OV server from behind a NAT firewall. this document tells how he did it. (Karl made this one)

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room