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OpenVerse Technical - Server Variables

Server Variables Explained

The following are all variables used by the server.
These are in the global scope of things.

MVS(waiter) dummy variable for tclsh looping.

MVS(serving) Is Server Running? (Used mostly
by the GUI mode)

MVS(push) Does the server support pushing?

MVS(users) Number of connected users.

MVS(socks) {} List of connected users

MVS(maxheight) Maximum allowed image height.

MVS(maxwidth) Maximum Allowed Image Width.

MVS(roomdir) The directory where room images are

MVS(roomfile) The name (not the full path) of the
room image.

MVS(homedir) The working directory for the
OpenVerse Server.

MVS(configfile) Configuration file to be used for
the server.

MVS(port) What port the server is runing on.

MVS(timeout) Seconds to wait before calling a
transfer failed.

MVS(roomname) The name of this room.

MVS(avatars) The directory where avatars are

MVS(sobjects) Directory where server objects are

# MVS(maxpushvelocity) The speed at which users are pushed.
# MVS(tickler) The full path to a file which, when it
exists, will cause the server to reload
it's config file.
# MVS(standalone) Is server sourced by the client or is it
a standalone daemon type server?
# MVS(images) The directory where server object
images are pulled from.
# MVS(icons) The directory where icons are stored.
Also, the default avatar image is
stored here (default.gif)
# MVS(sendbuffer) The size of the send buffer when
transfering files.
# MVS(exits) {} This is a list of the exits which are
invisible to the user.
# MVS(locations) {} This is a list which directly
corresponds to the list of invisible
exits, it lists the server and port for
where the user will be going.
# MVS(maxpushdistance) The maximum distance a user will be
pushed when the /push command is
# MVS(server_socket) This is the socket which the server
uses to accept connections on.

# ---------------------------------------------
# User Related Variables.
# Note! Whereever you see "socket" int he array, this is the
# streamID for this user. The server identifies users by
# streamID not by name.
# ---------------------------------------------
# MVS( User's Nickname
# MVS(socket.address) User's IP Address
# MVS(socket.port) User's Remote Port
# MVS( Time since last ping was
# MVS(socket.ping_response) Time since last pong was
# MVS(socket.x) User's X position on the
# MVS(socket.y) User's Y position on the
# MVS(socket.avatar) The name of the user's
avatar image
# MVS(socket.av_head_x) X offset for the user's
# MVS(socket.av_head_y) Y offset for the user's
# MVS(socket.av_baloon_x) X offset for the user's chat
# MVS(socket.av_baloon_y) Y offset for the user's chat
# MVS(socket.downloads) {} List of user's downloads in
# ---------------------------------------------
# DCC Variables
# ---------------------------------------------
# MVS(dcc_num) This transfer's number.
# MVS(dcc_list) A list of all active transfers
# MVS(DCC.idx.time) Last time data was received
for transfer idx
# MVS(DCC.idx.server) The server socket ID for
transfer idx
# MVS(DCC.idx.file) The file name for transfer idx
# MVS(DCC.idx.sender) The socket for the sender of
this file.
# MVS(DCC.idx.size) The size of this file.
# MVS(DCC.idx.posn) For future use when I
enable resuming of files.
# MVS(DCC.idx.server) The server socket for this
(outgoing) connection
# MVS(DCC.idx.sock) The socket for the data
# MVS(DCC.idx.port) The port for this connection
# MVS(DCC.idx.remote) The remote user's address
# MVS(DCC.idx.av_head_x) User's nametag X offset
# MVS(DCC.idx.av_head_y) user's nametag Y offset
# MVS(DCC.idx.av_baloon_x) User's balloon X offset
# MVS(DCC.idx.av_baloon_y) User's Balloon Y offset
# tl(MVS(DCC.idx.sock)) The amount of data
transfered so far.
[Main Index]

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room