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Plugins /-/ MP3Tool
Version 2.0.1 (updated 11/17/2001)

MP3Tool is a program which allows you to share and download files from/to other OpenVerse users. It keeps tracks of all of your music and generates lists for you on the fly. You can search other user's lists with this tool and you can even generate wish lists of files you want to download in the future. The program was originally designed for IRC and some things have not been activated on the OpenVerse version but you can download it now for Windows or Unix systems.. It is very usable.

Download the MP3Tool plugin and unzip this into your personal OpenVerse plugins dir. This will be ~/.OpenVerse/plugins When you restart the OpenVerse, you will see a camera button in the tool bar. The mp3tool documentation will tell you more about using the MP3Tool plugin. Please note! The docs are for the IRC version of the plugin. It should give you a very good idea of how to use the program though.

Program created by Cruise

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room