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OpenVerse Server Objects
Login Counter [zip] [tar.gz] Displays a logon counter on the screen. There is a set of 10 images which comes with this Object. After installing, edit the Counter.obj file and set the position on the screen where you would like this object to be placed. Written by

AvroMania [zip] [tar.gz] This is a game! Turn your server into an AvroMania game, just install this object and you're off and running, no manual configuration needed. Click Here To see a screenshot of AvroMania in action! Written By

Monthello [zip] [tar.gz] This is another game! Turn your server into an Monthello Game. Monthello is a game of skill using discs on an 8x8 playing board. You score points by capturing (and retaining) your opponents pieces. This object is very easy to install, just uncompress in your server's directory and set the hostname for the exit button from the Monthello.obj file in the sobjects directory. Click Here To see a screenshot of Monthello in action! Written By Logo by Other images by

Exit Object Example [zip] [tar.gz] This is an example exit object. It's been broken up a bit so that you can just set values for images and location to have it create the object for you. or you can examine the lines which send the information to create more complex exit objects. untarzip this in your server dir and edit the sobjects/exit.obj file. there is directions in there. Written By

Web Link Object Example [zip] [tar.gz] This is an example Web Link object (with image mouseover). It's been broken up a bit so that you can just set values for images and location to have it create the object for you. or you can examine the lines which send the information to create more complex link objects. untarzip this in your server dir and edit the sobjects/web_link.obj file. there is directions in there. You could just as easily link some text on the screen with a link object or you could link another openverse server with this object too! Any protocol which the OpenVerse program supports should work with these objects. Written By

FreshMeat Ticker [zip] [tar.gz] This object is an example of boxes, images, text, links, and tell objects. It is a really good and useful all around example of a nice object :) whew. Anyway what it does it display the new files available on FreshMeat with web links to the applications. the user can shut the ticker off by clicking a button on the object. You can view a very plain screenshot of this object. Written By

The Electric HandDryer [zip] [tar.gz] This object is an example with multiple images, mouseovers, and the TELL object type. This is intended to be a fun little object, it is a hand dryer. The type you typically find in bathrooms in america. One of the most amazing devices known to man and incredibly sanitary compared to it's alternatives. In anycase, this hand dryer is great for blowing unsuspecting users away from it's nozel. It does not have any other really useful purpose :) Written By

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room