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[OpenVerse] Server BUG

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[OpenVerse] Server BUG

Vile is going to laugh at this message.

The server is getting a error - No buffer space available. 
This error is coming from the operating system - not TCL. it's in the 
transport layer of the tcp/ip protocol as far as I can tell.

It's getting it when sending files. Especially from an animation. My first 
thought was that it was all out of sockets to open new ones to send data on 
but there were plenty available when I did some testing. So I searched the 
web and found this which makes sence (to me) - LAG IS CAUSING THIS ;) It's 
opening all these sockets and waiting for people to get their data and 
waiting on people so send data and there is a whole lot of data waiting here. 
for a short time.

I'm going to have the server keep retrying - with a maximum retry and see if 
it clears up this bug.

here is some text which explains the whole transport layer of sockets and the 
buffer involved. It's kind of cunfusing.

As we explained before, we need a clean-up mechanism in the buffer management 
in managing the excess buffer block. Ideally, if every excess packet can be 
cleaned out of the buffer at the moment it expires, we could have the ideal 
performance. In this case, we can be sure there s no expired excess packet in 
the buffer. Whenever a new excess packet comes, the router can decide whether 
to drop it or not. If there s buffer space available, then that packet is 
accepted; if there s no buffer space available, since all the excess packets 
in the buffer are all good, i.e., not expired, then we have no reason to 
clean-up the existing excess packet in the buffer,
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