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OpenVerse Technical - Server Functions

Server Functions Explained

1. LogIt Central Logging Facility
2. SendToAllUsers Sends text to all logged in users.
3. SendToUser Sends text to one user.
4. SanityCheck Check to see if a path passed sanity rules.
5. TestNum Test a value to be sure it is a number.
6. ReloadConfig Reload The Config File.
7. NewConnect Accept incoming connections.
8. CheckName Check a nickname for validity.
9. Serv_ReadFrom Read Incomming Text
10. Disconnect User Disconnect users from the system.
11. Serv_ProcessInput Process Input from users.
12. Serv_ChangeAvatar Change a user's avatar.
13. Serv_CheckTimeouts Check various timeouts and events.
14. TransAuth Authenticate ORT Transports.
15. DisplayORT Display transport systems.
16. WarnOrt Announce transport departure.
17. KillOrt Remove transport.
18. MVSerifyAvailable Verify Download Available.

[Main Index]

screenshot 1: The Hippo Room

screenshot 2: OpenVerse Bingo

screenshot 3: OpenVerse Rapid Transit

screenshot 4: The Living Room

screenshot 5: The Hippo Room